
Responsibilities tether me to a reality I long to forget

Those cords that bind me cut and bleed

Thrashing and fighting for freedom from a life that chose me

Screaming for vengeance to a world who no longer hears

Like a beast chained for keeping I am strapped to choices that defined me

Longing to fly to the sun, but only rising the length of the tetheric rope


Scared and gentle. Childlike tender. Slowly moving. Questions tiding. Insecure places.

Where to go? Am I ok? Where are you? Are you sure? How can I?

Looking for detailed instructions to questions ruling my life. How can I know where to go, when nobody has ever been here before? Seeking answers to questions I can’t construct in my deepest soul.


Growing Up Country

A summer with children

Doors open wide

Daisys and sunflowers

And long starry nights
Holding hands while we whisper

Watching lightning bugs and toads

Captured by wide eyed babies

There’s no place like home
Tucked in snug at night

A drink and a prayer

Mama’s sweet kisses 

Daddy rumpled their hair
A long summer night

Growing up country

Asleep with the windows open wide

No place I’d rather be

Christmas Memories

Baking cookies with sprinkles and love

Wrapping gifts and presents with bright paper and bows

Warm music fills the air and mingles with laughter and giggles in anticipation

Every day counting down, shaking and listening to weird rattling sounds in boxes

Hoping with all they have that Christmas will not disappoint

Not so subtle clues given for weeks to ensure a heart the bubbles and quakes on that morning

But Christmas must be about the memories

Remember the sounds and smells and sights

Remember the joy of that special hug and cuddle

Kind words and love!

The Eager Villain

The eager villain of pain and suffering

Lingers with his breath heating the back of my neck

Always present, watching, lingering

Waiting for that perfect instance to unleash his Web of torture

Drawing upon my moves and emotions 

His spirit dancing with mine

Until that perfect time to disrupt and spawn 

Pain and suffering one more time


Wintery solace in the midst of the crowd she wandered through the busy streets. craving emotion but requiring distance, her steps echoed with her heart. travelling down the streets and across time, nothing remained but strings and chains. Bells and mistletoe and songs of yesterday ringing in her spirit. Maybe this will be the chance to change!

Country Dreams

Belief in goodness and Almighty God

Belief that there is good in one and all

This country is counting on hopes and dreams

Don’t leat me down don’t rip at the seams

Where is the belief that makes your soul sing?

Where is hope that togetherness brings?

I am surrendering my all for its all I have

I am trusting in faith that you have my back

I am not forgotten and neither are you

So let’s all raise our flags of red white and blue!


Decisions and doubts and really dark days

Planning and praying for answers and strength

People walking without wisdom in constant rants and words

Where can we go when everyone hurts?

Another Time and Place

A trailblazer at heart I was born to be

I seem to be stuck in another time and place

A world so different than we know today

Filled with books and typewriters and words and paper

Stories that were read, and poems created

Minds that worked to explore

Where have the bookworms all hibernate to?

Why are people so smitten with videos and games and movies

Where is the creativity, the art, the joy?

Another time, another place, I suppose

A place I long to be