I’m sure you have all been there. Sitting next to a friend, maybe on a front porch drinking a big glass of sweet tea. Or maybe two kids sitting in the dirt exchanging the tales from their bedtime the night before.

The story goes, . . . .

This is just one example of a story from just such a day.

A little girl living in Chicago, among her seven siblings, had the habit of running the streets with her friends, two of whom were her very best friends. They were her sisters. One was older, and one was younger. Their father was a good man, or that is what Mama said. Mama said he didn’t mean it. I guess that makes it alright.

They would fly out the door early in the morning, to escape a reality that would chase them throughout their day, and their life!

I have heard stories of how they would play on the tops of the buildings, as their own little castles in the clouds. But it was not uncommon, for the bad guys, the bullies, to see them and chase them! These girls were 7, 5, and 3. Your imagine can just go wild at what could have been, but I guess it was better than what was at home!

To get away from the bullies, they learned to jump from building to building. Make sure you get a good running start, and jump with all your might. Most of the guys wouldn’t risk it.

What brave little girls! Flying through the air from castle to castle.

As the sun begins to sink, and the shadows creep up into the night, their little hearts would sink. It’s time.

They would run up the street, tiptoe up the steps, and pray for a good night. Some days, they would hide in the closet. Some days under the bed. Where is a safe place? They ran through the clouds by day, and lived in a dungeon til dawn.

Give us this day. . . .


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